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Meet Patricia
i love
All things Barbie
bargain hunting
 orchids and gardens
mystery books
 movies and music

I love miniatures! Miniature houses, fairy gardens, gnome gardens, tiny flowers and Barbies! You name it and if it is small, I adore it! So to feed my creativity, I decided to build a Barbie home and furnish it. I call it Barbieupcycled! Barbie is as "miniature" as my hands can manage. I forage around my house, antique stores, garage sales, and junk stores for unique finds. I make things and I shop Ebay, Etsy and Barbie web sites for items that I envision in this Barbie house. My project has been fun and seems to be never ending with continuing tweaks here and there. This story began with building a Barbie house for a sweet little girl, and grew into building another Barbie house for a big girl that never had a Barbie of her own. Enjoy!

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